- World Heritage
- whc.unesco.org
- Elegant site from UNESCO explaining the choice of certain buildings and sites as World Heritage. List with pictures and information available on each. French and English language options.
- Docomomo International
- www.docomomo.com
- Non-profit organization devoted to the documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the modern movement. Includes aims, activities, publications and conferences.
- The International Molinological Society
- www.timsmills.info
- Fosters interest and understanding of wind, water and animal-driven mills. It encourages research, preservation and restoration of historical mills. Activities, news, publications, glossary, links.
- Vernacular Architecture Forum
- www.vernaculararchitectureforum.org
- Aims to encourage the study and preservation of the ordinary architecture of North America. Publishes a scholarly journal and a newsletter. Board of directors, membership application, news and annual meeting.
- Organization of World Heritage Cities
- www.ovpm.org
- List of member cities, with an outline history of each and links to further information.
- International Survey of Jewish Monuments
- www.isjm.org
- A non-profit organization dedicated to the research, preservation and documentation of Jewish historical monuments from around the world. Newsletter, monuments information by country.
Also see:
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- ..Organizations(129)
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