- Cambridge, University of - Faculty of Classics
- www.classics.cam.ac.uk
- Lists department information and announcements, related departments, and the classics faculty library.
- University of Edinburgh - School of History and Classics
- www.shc.ed.ac.uk
- Undergraduate and graduate programs, faculty home pages, and information about the Classical Association of Scotland's Edinburgh and SE Centre.
- Oxford, University of - Faculty of Classics
- www.classics.ox.ac.uk
- Lecture list, handbooks, prospectus, resources, and faculty directory.
- American School of Classical Studies at Athens
- www.ascsa.edu.gr
- A resource for scholars of the language, literature, art, history, archaeology, and philosophy of Greece and the Greek world from pre-Hellenic times to the present.
- London, University of - Institute of Classical Studies
- icls.sas.ac.uk
- Information about two sponsored classical societies as well as links to other Classics sites.
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