- The Online Books Page
- onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
- Features over 10,000 online books free to the public.
- Just Free Books
- www.justfreebooks.info
- Search the content of more than 550 web sites, including gutenberg.org, wikibooks.org, and archive.org. Find public domain texts, open books and audio books.
- www.sharpweb.org
- The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing, featuring a wide variety of resources for those interested in the history of print culture in any place or period.
- About: Contemporary Literature
- contemporarylit.about.com
- Links to book reviews, interviews, and literary essays.
- Wisdom World Literature
- thinkers.net
- Provides a literary search engine and directory of over 500 categories.
- Dustbooks
- www.dustbooks.com
- A collection of directories of small publishers, magazine editors and publishers, plus the Small Press Review. Offers listing forms, advertising rates and order desk.
- Inlibris
- www.inlibris.com
- Large directory for literature sites and resources, including books, writers, workshops, and hypertexts, provided by literary publisher Badosa. Also in Spanish and Catalan.
Also see:
- ..Poetry(4)
Similar categories:
- ..Directories(120)
- ..Directories(44)
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