- chinaSmack
- chinasmack.com
- Provides English translations of current social issues being discussed on various Chinese forums.
- China Hush
- www.chinahush.com
- A Chinese national raised in America returns to China and offers personal commentary about his experiences as well as current human-interest stories that have been translated from Chinese to English.
- Speaking of China
- www.speakingofchina.com
- An American woman married to a Chinese man offers advice and commentary about life, love, and family in China.
- Peking Duck
- www.pekingduck.org
- Offers a Westerner's perspective of sociocultural and political issues in China.
- Teaching In China
- teachinginchina.net
- Describes the circumstances surrounding the death of an American teacher in China, precautions one should take, and an NBC special news report.
- Hao Hao Report
- haohaoreport.com
- Repository of member submitted links to blog articles related to China.
- Sinosplice
- www.sinosplice.com
- Humorous view of living, teaching, and studying in China.
- Mysterious China
- www.mysteriouschina.com
- Chinese national offers information about his country's history and culture.
This category in other languages:
- ..Esperanto(1)
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