- ad Filmsexposure
- filmsexposure.com
- International award for low budget films and their crews. Agenda, sponsors, entry details, prize details, and contact information.
- Online Film Critics Society
- www.ofcs.org
- Includes list of OFCS award nominees and winners since 1997.
- The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation
- www.razzies.com
- Presenters of "The Razzie Awards," saluting the worst that Hollywood has to offer each year.
- Environmental Media Awards
- www.ema-online.org
- Honors film and TV productions that increase public awareness of environmental problems and inspire action.
- Chlotrudis Awards
- www.chlotrudis.org
- Honors and supports independent and foreign films; seeking to recognize movies based on their artistic merit, not tickets sales. Awards, movies, and organization information.
- European Film Academy
- www.europeanfilmacademy.org
- EFA's most visible activity is the annual presentation of the European Film Awards, formerly known under the name FELIX. History, members, news, events, and past winners.
- New York Film Critics Circle
- www.nyfcc.com
- Includes archive of NYFCC's award winners from 1935 to the present.
- Chicago Film Critics Association
- www.chicagofilmcritics.org
- Features general information and CFCA's award winners.
- British Independent Film Awards
- www.bifa.org.uk
- Celebrates achievement in independently funded British filmmaking. Includes information about award winners.
- World Film Awards
- www.world-film-awards.com
- Features films in languages other than English that have either won or been nominated for prestigious world cinema awards. Includes trailers and movies organized by year, country, language or director.
- Cosmique Movie Awards
- www.cosmomovieawards.com
- Movie fans in San Francisco honor the best and worst films from the preceding year in a variety of categories. Winners, history, voting process, and related information.
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